Saturday, July 14, 2007

Discovery: Owl

On the topic of discovery, here is something I found lying around at work. I remember starting with the V-shape in frustration when things weren't going my way, The tip of the V became a birds beak and the rest of the bird started to take shape. By the time I got to the feet and the branch things were working again and i took the time to actually sketch them the way I wanted them.

This is the first image I have posted here that is actually drawn using pen and paper and then scanned. I didn't have my drawing tablet with my new laptop and no mouse so the coloring was done using the touchpad.

So... I guess i have discovered a new species, the Frustration Owl.


  1. very nice, like the painterly gloom effect

  2. OOOooo... I love the sketchy owl, the line work is so great! Looks like he just flew in from the black forest.

  3. Absolutely wonderful!

  4. Looks like Nicodemus. Very cool pencil work. I dig him.
