Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Here is my entry for this weeks Illustration Friday. What I actually intended to do was to draw a book with all sorts of strange security devices but in the end I couldn't really come up with any that would fit and/or be obvious enough. Instead I give you this:

Why it has been unlocked is for you to figure out. Have someone been reading it without permission perhaps?

Friday, June 11, 2010

Man & Dog

Here is a drawing I made from a photo taken by my girlfriend at the
Medieval Week on Gotland last summer. I started drawing it in black and white by the end of August and hadn't really touched it again for nearly a year until yesterday, when I decided to finish it.

Since I always keep several versions of my drawings I decided to combine them into a video clip. Here is how this drawing came to be:

Some day I will try to remember to create an actual time lapse recording of the process.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

"Just once in my life I'd like to get a drink without hearing the same tired old jokes"

Horse in a bar

It has been well over a year since I last posted anything here, so I thought it might be time. Since I didn't know what to draw I went over to Monday Artday to see if I might find some inspiration there and it turned out that last weeks challenge was horse and the challenge ends tomorrow. So I sat down and did a quick ink sketch of the first thing that came to my mind...